Monday, July 23, 2007


A Chef told me long ago...
"The more you try to change things now the more you will have to try to change things later; and the more you try to explain now, the more you will have to try to explain later."


Akelamalu said...

Never a truer word spoken!

bulletholes said...

Welcome back Malu- there are bigger truths out there I think- this one is kinda subtle- butin certain situations, it has a lotta merit!

Old Lady said...

Then there's Murphy's Law and all it's sublaws.

Old Lady said...

But, then again, I always did like my Great Grandmother's "The Wind don't blow up one dog's ass forever."

Dave Renfro said...

Murphy's Law: A part will fail if it is designed wrong, manufactured wrong, installed wrong, or left in service too long. (Maybe this is a sublaw.)

GEWELS said...

And the lesson is.....what?
No xplainin or changin need be done?
Too deep for me, I guess.-Must be because of my recent blonde highlights.